Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH)

Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH)

In response to the alarming situation ADEC started implementing WASH project in Sanaag region particularly Dhahar district with the support of the Diaspora community of the region. The overall purpose of the water and hygiene sanitation (WASH) intervention was to increase the community knowledge on proper hygiene and sanitation as a preventive measure of cholera/AWD. ADEC staffs conduct a week awareness campaign for every month during the period of food aid distribution.

Component of the project activities carried out were include house to-house visit, distribution of posters and focus group discussion as well as sensitization process. To ensure maximum dissemination of the information, the staffs convey the messages during distribution of food distribution exercises. ADEC trained 7 community water and hygiene sanitation volunteers to run the CLTS to ODF in all areas and maintain the information campaigns which will promote better hygiene practice in their respective villages in every month.

    ADEC staff displaying heath education materials at Dhaahr MCH and community sensitization process for WASH

        ADEC staff sensitizing mothers and children on hygiene and sanitation


On-going Projects

On-going  projects
ADEC is implementing relief intervention projects at Dhahar district in Sanaag region (Dhahar town, Baragahaqol, Gacalgule, Misir, Higlo, Carmo, Geedcilimi, Boodacad, Balibusle, Kaladhac, Cawsane, Ceelahelay, Afurur and Ceelaayo village) through in-kind food intervention. The beneficiaries receive different food commodities regarding the availability of the food in WFP warehouses.

Implemented livelihood projects

Completed projects

Agency for Development Enveromental Care (ADEC) is a local non-governmental humanitarian organization that works with WFP Puntland-Somalia as a partner. Currently, it is implementing recovery projects in Dhahar district of Sanag region. Furthermore, it has implemented livelihood and drought intervention projects in Dhahar in 2016 and 2017. All the projects implemented or being implemented by SVDEC served a target of 19,446 beneficiaries. The tables below show the type, duration and locations of the projects implemented by SVDEC.

Implemented livelihood projects

FDP Name Activity Duration No. of HHs
Bodacad Water catchment March-Sep 2016 354
Geedcilmi Road rehabilitation March-Sep 2016 253
Dhahar Town Water rehabilitation April-Oct 2016 154
Dhahar Town Flood protection barrier April-Oct 2016 108


Drought intervention projects

FDP Name Duration No. of HHs
Dhahat town May-June 2016 444
Balibusle May-June 2016 131
Kaladhac May-June 2016 81
Baragahaqol May-June 2016 178
Higlo/Carmo May-June 2016 49


Recovery projects

FDP Name Activity Duration No. of HHs
Dhahar town Water catchment/Berkets Aug-2016 Jan 2017 444
Baragahaqol Water catchment/Dam Aug- 2016-Jan 2017 182
Baragahaqol Prosopis clearing Aug- 2016-Jan 2017 95
Balibusle Water catchment Aug- 2016-Jan 2017 131
Kaladhac Water catchment Aug- 2016-Jan 2017 171
Higlo Water catchment Aug- 2016-Jan 2017 152


Relief Intervention Projects

FDP Name Activity Duration No. of HHs
Ceelaayo GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 102
Afurur GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 260
Ceelahelay GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 37
Cawsane GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 100
Misir GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 50
Higlo GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 72
Carmo GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 74
Kaladhac GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 81
Boodacad GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 70
Gacalguule GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 50
Balibusle GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 170
Baragahaqol GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 342
Dhahar GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 753
Geedcilimi GFD/Drought Jan-2017 to Dec-2018 80


  • Completed 15km feeder at Geedcilmi.
  • Completed water catchment at Bodacad.
  • Completed water catchment at Dhahar town.
  • Completed142m flood protection barrier at Dhahar town.
  • Saved the lives of 3,221 beneficiaries through WFP drought intervention project for the last two years
  • Improvement of food insecurity situation of drought affected households
  • About 80% of planned activities have been achieved the recovery projects.
  • Established healthy collaboration and working relationship with the community, local authority, beneficiaries/participants, retailers and Dhahar environmental conservation organization working in the target areas.
  • SVDEC planted 80 plants in Baragahaqol and 120 plants in Dhahar town.
  • SVDEC implemented the projects without encountering challenges that can hinder projects implementation.
  • SVDEC conducted detailed beneficiary sensitization on their entitlement, activities, project duration, Complain Response Mechanisms (CRM) and partners involved.

Impacts of the projects

In the process of implementing the projects, SVDEC has realized the following impacts;

  • Improve accessibility to water sources and market especially Geedcilmi community.
  • Improved food security at household level.
  • The community developed sense of responsibility ownership in maintaining the assets created or rehabilitated.
  • Improved nutritional status of the mothers and children in the areas where the intervention reached.
  • Paved the way for women participation in project implementation as well as handling the food and leadership role. 63% of the livelihood participants are female.
  • Children from poor families got access to school. This is facilitated by availability of food through WFP intervention which reduced HH expenditure on food.
  • Improved business transaction and the general economy of the community.
  • Households food consumption has greatly improved
  • Reduced the crises of the food insecurity
  • Save lives of vulnerable individuals, communities and the community at large
  • Enabled vulnerable households to meet essential expenses.
  • The reduce the employment of the damaging livelihood strategies
  • The transfer assistance which was CBT has greatly improved market capacity due to involvement of local retailers.


Maintenance and Rebuilding of Wells

Call for Papers / Articles

Agency for development and Environmental Care (ADEC) is humanitarian and development NGO in Somalia. ADEC operates in the Puntland Regions and Somalia at large and is involved in relief aid, rehabilitation and development programs in various sectors: Education, Health, Rural Development,Repair of the wells, Agriculture and livelihood and Governance (Peace, Human Rights, Gender Development, and Democracy and Psycho social issues).

ADEC invites you to call for papers / articles intended to increase the body of knowledge of good governance, accountability, anti-corruption and transparency in Puntland, and Somalia at large.



Observation and Social Awareness

Somali Volunteer for Development and Environment

Observation and social awareness

We have made significant
contributions to the communities living
in the state of the state
such as the state and municipalities
We have become accustomed to their condition
and how they have lost their drought

We have been working for a long time and we have been very supportive of many people



Somali Volunteer for Development and Environment

the importance of
environmental protection

and the prevention of deterioration
and awareness
environment and youth development
degradation and development
are very important
and inspirational

working in emergency
and drought-stricken people

Maintenance of Water Wells

Agency for development and Environmental Care

We cleanse  the wells of water
that can cause serious and contagious diseases
and also kill those who are in the water
mosquitoes and similar infections that cause illness